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An Equity-First    Learning & Development Firm​.

E2 EmpowerED is an 100% woman and global majority owned and operated equity- first learning and development firm. We specialize in systematic redesign, coaching, and leadership training for clients through job-embedded support at all levels of organizational cultures in state and federal systems, education, design, human services, and corporate sectors.

Our work aims to empower providers who work in service of historically marginalized and underinvested communities through evidence-based equity-centric models that center on the experiences of racially, culturally, and linguistically diverse communities. 

E2 EmpowerED is forged from a call to courage.​ 

We are on a mission to help committed organizations, teams, and individuals understand and respond to the realities of institutionalized bias, discrimination, and power imbalance in conjunction with its impact on compounding oppression.

Our Approach

At E2EmpowerED, we believe holistic and sustainable systemic change must be grounded and centered in shifting practices anchored in the specific needs of  Indigenous and Global Majority people. E2 EmpowerED partners with systems leaders and organizations invested in the strategic implementation of institutional equity infrastructures. We explore how the intersectionality of race, ethnicity, poverty, discrimination, and culture interplay in delivering equitable systems. Our work frames both the historical and current systems that contribute to inequitable outcomes. We look at the work individually and collectively and our approach centers on systematic change that can support the mitigation and reversal of inequity through design.


In  all service models our clients:

  • develop concrete techniques to ensure system mission alignment  

  • examine microaggressions and power dynamics and how to interrupt them systematically in order to sustain transformational change

  • elevate equity-driven evidence-based practices and engagement 

  • deepen knowledge and skill in developing  and implementing equitable cultures  

  • explore the synergy between behavior and culture and their importance in establishing and maintaining a strong equity-driven culture 

  • explicitly name the core actions aligned to the values that compel employees to act towards equity metrics  

Core Values

PURPOSE: We believe in clear evidence-based development rooted in practices that relentlessly cultivate community empowerment by centering strong cultures to sustain meaningful change.  

TRANSFORMATION: We believe systematic change can be achieved and sustained through acknowledging and interrupting systemic oppression.

INTEGRITY: We believe in honesty and acting in alignment with our values.  

COURAGE: We believe the core of authenticity is courage and are committed to cultivating authenticity and brave spaces in all engagements.  


© 2020 by E2 EMPOWERED, LLC

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